Friday, July 27, 2007

The Sloppy Copy Slipup by DyAnne DiSalvo

Grades 3-5

Committee Annotation:
Brian worries about how his 4th grade teacher, known as "The General", will react to his not completing his homework.

Subjects: Schools, humor, storytelling, creative writing

Author web site:


Anonymous said...

It was very hysterical. There were a lot of parts in it that were really funny. His little brother reminds me of my cousin.
WL Callahan School

Anonymous said...

This was very funny.It was good that the teacher gave him a second chance.It was good that he found the money.I am surprised that the dog didn't dig up the money.I was glad that he got his money back and he bought the guitar.
Britney WLC callahan

Anonymous said...

Very good book. I was surprise that Brian went out and raced to the store to get the guitar. lol.
W.L Callahan

Anonymous said...

Sloppy Copy Slipup was a great book, I think you should read this book because it's great for kids all ages. So if you're hungry for huomr read this book!

Wl Callahan school

Anonymous said...

Charlestown School
Brian Higman is about to get in major trouble. Another big red zero is headed his way.This time his parents will definitely explode.He needs a really good excuse for his teacher. With an impossible five year old brother and his older brother's rock band, will he ever get out of this mess? Read Sloppy Copy Slipup to find out.

Anonymous said...

I thought this book was funny because the boy reminds me of my cousin WyWy. I would love to have my sister read it. Michaela
WL Callahan School

Anonymous said...

I thought this book was funny because Brain forgets his writing homework at home.Brain Reminds me of my cousin WyWy. Michaela
WL Callahan School

Anonymous said...

I Thought it was funny because Brian got credit for his homework butthe funny ting is he was supposed to write it.Instead he said it out loud to the class.He didn't get to finish it so he had to write the end.
Ryan C. Steere Farm Elemantary

Anonymous said...

it was funny and odd but so so soooo cool

cecorline c
jamestown school
grade 4

Anonymous said...

sloppy copy slip up for me on a scale of 1-10 I would give it a 9. I would definitely recommended it to people with really annoying little siblings

Jessica D. melrose school jamestown R.I.

Anonymous said...

I liked when Brian got the guitar. That was a fast, heartbeating moment. The little brother reminds me of my baby cousin.

WL Callahan School

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this book because it was funny. My favorite part of the book is when the main character, Brian, had a sock filled with money and his dog took it and hid it. I thought it could have had a better storyline. I did not like the plot when it skipped from different settings to different characters because it is confusing to the reader.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this book because it was funny. My favorite part was when the main character, Brian, had a sock filled with money and his dog took it and hid it. What I didn't like about the book was how it jumped from setting and characters, because it was confusing to the reader. However, overall it was a great book.
Luke H
OBES- Warwick

Anonymous said...

I liked the book very much because it is very funny. I liked the part when Stevie was running and clothespins were falling off him. also I like how at the beginning of the day at school the announcer says the word of the day. For example: O-U-T-S-T-A-N-D-I-N-G. We will have an outstanding lunch today.I didn't like the chapters because they were too short.

Anonymous said...

The Sloppy Copy Slip Up
Dyanne Disalvo

I read the Sloppy Copy Slip Up and it was really great. I enjoyed it a lot. You are about to read the three reasons I liked the book and other things that happened in the book but first, you will read a summary.

The story was about a boy nicknamed the “Big Hig” Keeps forgetting his homework and then his teacher says, if you forget your homework 1 more time you are in a lot of trouble. That problem was solved but, he was lucky that he had the time to do his homework in class.

The three reasons I liked the book are very great. First, it had an outstanding hook at the end of each chapter. Also, the “Big Hig” would make up very, very, very funny excuses when he forgot his homework.

The book was the funniest book I have ever read.

Ian 1-2-08

Anonymous said...

The slopy copy slip up is about a boy brian that cant think of a story to write. But the story was good and i think otbers will like it too.

Anonymous said...

You should read this book because it looked good to read and you can read it in 2 or 3 days. My favorite part was when Brian brought a white piece of paper to Miss Fromme, and she marked it with a red zero.

D. Coggeshall Elementary

Anonymous said...

I like that he is telling the story the whole time.

Anonymous said...

It is a very good book and when you read the beginning you will think that you will want to read it more. The end is great when the dog has the socks and not Brian.

P. Coggeshall elementary

Anonymous said...

This was a funny book.I really enjoyed it!

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