Friday, July 27, 2007

Owen and Mzee: The True Story of a Remarkable Friendship by Isabella Hatkoff

Grades 3-6

Committee Annotation:
A true story about the friendship of Owen, a baby hippo, and Mzee, a 130- year-old giant tortoise. When the baby hippo is separated from his family during a devastating tsunami, he adopts and is accepted by Mzee as his mother.

Subjects: Hippopotamus, Giant Tortoise, social behaviors of animals, loss, tsunami, Kenya, animal rescue, animal sanctuary.

Subject web site:


Anonymous said...

I really liked the book. I didn't know hippo's and turtles could be best friends.

Western Coventry School

Anonymous said...

WOW, what a nice book. It's so cute how Owen and Mzee could really bond with each other that well.

Anonymous said...

Owen and Mzee are so cool!!!

Western Coventry School
September 12,2007 9:03 AM

Anonymous said...

I found it odd that hippos and turtles could be best friends.
It was a good book though, I would give if an award.


Anonymous said...

this is a really good book .i hope u come out with another one


Anonymous said...

this book was so cool. even though i read some pages it was really good

Anonymous said...

It was very cool. It was surprising that a turtle and a hippo could be best friends. I would give this book a 9 on a scale of 1-10.
WL Callahan School

Anonymous said...

i really liked this book I recomend this book to all children.


Potowomut school

Anonymous said...

this book is so interesting
i recomend it to number 1 book ever

Anonymous said...

Owen and Mzee is a book that has a lot of detail. It is a fun book to read. It has great photographs. It was an unusual and fascinating friendship. It is a good book for students to read; it rocks! We hope you will read this book.
Mrs. Barter’s class
Grade 4
Blackrock Elementary

Anonymous said...

Owen and Mzee was a good book because it showed how two different animals can have a friendship. Owen always followed Mzee wherever she went. We liked when Mzee showed Owen how to do many things because Owen was left on his own. We also liked Mzee because she was grouchy and did not like Owen at first but then became like a mother to him. We liked Owen because he is a hippo and he is cool.
Mrs. Bousquet's 4th grade class
Blackrock Elementary

Anonymous said...

I like this book because Owen and Mzze had a nice freindship . I think it is unusual for a hippo and a tortoise to like each other
because they are to different kinds of animals . I hope the auther comes out with more books about animals.


Anonymous said...

Owen and Mzee was a great book.My favorite character is Owen because,i like hippos and Owen is a boy.I like Mzee because she is a turtle. Dominic a. blackrock elementry grade 4

Anonymous said...

Owen is a very good charcter.I like Owen because I love hippos.I also like how Owen and Mzee had a bond. Mary Blackrock Room 9

Anonymous said...

i liked this book because usually you would think that a turtoise would be friends with another turtoise.owen and mzee were really great friends.

Anonymous said...

I like this book because I never new that a turtle and a hippo can ever be friends.
katie Blackrock school room 9

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pretty good very interesting. I really liked it.
Smith 306

Anonymous said...

owen&mzee was a great book i loved it.

Anonymous said...

owen&mzee was a great book i loved it.

Anonymous said...

I think this is a really sweet book.It's funny how the animals have a friendship together.
Daniel M.
Blackrock School

Anonymous said...

I would recommend reading this book, Owena and Mzee because the story is very interesting.
Owen was about one year old when something very awful happened. There was a terrible rainstorm that flooded Owen's home. One day people found him on the small coastal town of Malindi. Poor Owen had to get rescued from being stranded along the reef. He was escorted to Haller Park in Kenya and put into a cage with a 130 year old tortoise named Mzee. Mzee wasn't very friendly at first but once they met each other they did almost everything together. They slept together, ate together, and even communicated together. So, I'm telling you now, please read this wonderful book.
I'm telling you, you'll learn a lot from it and learning comes first!
By: Brianna Greenbush Grade:5

Anonymous said...

A very beatiful frendship even though Owen lost his mother in a tidalwave.

sabrina gd.5 Greenbush

Anonymous said...

i think that owen was very close to
mzee and owen probably was soooooooooo sad when mzee died. i think that book was smashing. i hope owen had a happy life after mzee passed away.

evan c
melrose school jamestown

Anonymous said...

Jessy P.

I like this book a lot and my favorite part is when Owen is trying to be friends with Mzee and even when Mzee goes away Owan keeps following him.

Anonymous said...

I liked this book. While I was reading this book, I really wanted to know how Owen metMzee. I believe this book could have been a little longer, with more information.


Anonymous said...

I liked the book Owen and Mzee because it was nonfiction and I enjoy nonfiction books. I thought this was a very good friendship story because Owen and Mzee are still good friends. I would recommend this book to people who like animals.

Scott School

Anonymous said...

A great story. a remarkable friendship

Anonymous said...

A GREAT BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

well the book is very veeeeery cute I BET THAT OWEN AND MZEE WILL BE BEST OF FRIENDS!!!!JESCENIA9

Anonymous said...

Owen and Mzee is a great book.I wonder if they will stay together even when there older.I like the part when they are getting the hippo out of that coral reef on the shore. That part rocked but it was kind of sad because he was trapped and he might not have survived.The tourtas was cool to because he is like 130 years old! I wond how long they really live? sincerely:David

Anonymous said...

I just love your book.I love the friendship of Mzee and Owen,I just think it is so cute.Its so cool that a reptile and a mammal could bond togrther so well.I really injoyed your book.

Anonymous said...

Owen and Mzee is a good story. It's a good example of friendship. I can't believe a reptile and a mammal became friends.I also can't believe that Owen is 2 years old and weighs 60 pounds. I think Owen thinks that Mzee is his mother or father because of his age. Can a tortise really live up to 130 years old. If they can, then it's so cool. I think they really like each other. It's sad that Mzee's shell cracked. They protect each other real good. I can't believe that when Owen is full grown, he weighs 7000 pounds. I really liked the story. I wish I could read it over and over again forever. It's really a true friendship.


Anonymous said...

Joseph,this was a great book. its really cool how they both like each other. i like the hippo becuase he ROCKS!!!!!i wonder if they will stay togather for ever? the hippo was 2 and the turtle is a 130. i want to maet them becuase
they are like best friends and they will be older. the turtle ROCKS!!!!to so i geuss thay both are cool. they will protecteach other it will be cool

Anonymous said...

I think this is a great book.I would highly recomend any reader who would like to hear about a miracle.I can't believe a turtle and a hippo could be such great friends.It is very unusual.


Anonymous said...

I like the book it was a cool thing for the 2 animals to be best was cool.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I really liked the book Owen and Mzee.I would recomend to a lot of people.i can't believe a tortise and a hippo are best friends!I also can't believe that Mzee is 130 years old!


Anonymous said...


I have read this book and I liked
it alot .I have read this over ten times.It is one of my favorate books.

Anonymous said...

Its such a nice book. I like the book becase it is very interesting by a hippo the most dangerous animal in africa with a turtle that likes to be alone, are friends. I would like to see there pictures in the news paper and little storys about owen and mzee on the news. I also like the book because it reminds me of a book i've read about how other animals like a bird and a aligator become friends like owen and mzee.

Anonymous said...

i did not like this book. patrick v

Anonymous said...

I think this book is so good.I cant belive MZEE and OWEN got to be friends.I love stories about animals.This is a good one.I like it. Carissa

Anonymous said...

I think this book is really good.I cant beleve that a hippo could become a turtels freind.I never new that could happen.I hope I can read another book as good as this book.I bet if I had this book and read it to my sistes they would want me to read this book to them everynight.I wonder if anyone will have a best friend like the turtle an the hippo.If I did I would be so happy. THIS IS A GOOD BOOK.


Anonymous said...

An awesome book about an amazing friendship that was very rare and happened between a tortoise and a hippo. I loved it.
Hampden Meadows School

Anonymous said...

Owen and Mzee is so cute how they sleep together,eat together,do everything together.But when Owen gets lost in the beginning it was so sad.

Ashlyn P
Steere Farm Elementary

Anonymous said...

Mzee and owen shows such good friendship bettween a hippo and a turtle. Know what amazes me to different animals from a different place become friends. I really suggest this book.
Caroline Hampden Meadows barrington

Anonymous said...

Owen and Mzee have a special bond. I reccomend this book for all animal lovers. On a scale from 1-10 I would say ten. The book has everything you need to know! Vote for this book to win!!!

Sarah B
Steere Farm Elementary School

Anonymous said...

Owen and Mzee is a great book.If you like animals it's the book for you.I didn't know hippos and turtles could bond and become friends so fast.I love the book.

Taylor G
Steere Farm Elementary School

Anonymous said...

You shouuld read this book because it says how the little hippo (Owen) looked up to Mzee after he lost his 2 parents.
my favorite part was when Owen met Mzee and Mzee helped him in the wild.

Cranston Calvert

Anonymous said...

This is a great book. My favorite part is when Owen meets Mazee. I recamend this book to anyone who likes animals and true storys.


Anonymous said...

This is a great book because it tells you the relationship of hippo and a turtles

Cranston Calvert

Anonymous said...

I think that it is kind of weird for a Aldaba tortoise and a baby hippo to be such good friends. i really like this story a lot!

Tabitha H
Steere Farm Elementary School Burrillville

Anonymous said...

I think the story is very cool That Owen and Mzee became friends in a short amownt of time and that Owen survived the big tsunami.
Steere Farm Elenentary school

Anonymous said...

i loved it. it was the best book i've ever read.

father doyle school

Anonymous said...

Owen and Mzee is about a 130-year old tortise that meets a baby hippo,their names are Owen and Mzee.In this true story Owen a baby hippo gets separated from his family.It was from a devastating tsunami.He got taken to a the zoo because some people found him in the ocean water near a beach.Then he finds Mzee at the zoo,so then Owen trie to imitate Mzee.Like eating or sleeping.
Even though they have a weird friendship I would highly recommend this book.For instance they sleep together.This is a terrific book and anyone can read it and it has a lot more exciting awesome details.All of this is in this book Owen and Mzee by Isabella Hatkoff.

Anonymous said...

I read Owen and Mzee. It was great! I love the relationship between the two animals. They're both so cute!

Jayne R.
Steere Farm Elementary

Anonymous said...

Owen and Mzee was so cute! The beginning with Owen was sort of sad. But I think the book turned out well in the end. I would NEVER have thought hippos and tortises could be friends! I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a good friendship story snd an animal story.

Lauren D.

Steere Farm Elementary School

Burrillville, RI

Anonymous said...

I thought that owen liked mezee when they first met.

W.L. Callahan School

Anonymous said...

I think Owen & Mzee is a great book for all children who love animals. It is so amazing how Mzee took in owen as if Owen was a tortise.

Anonymous said...

I think Owen & Mzee is a great book for all children who love animals. It is so amazing how Mzee took in owen as if Owen was a tortise.

Anonymous said...

I think Owen & Mzee is a great book for all children who love animals. It is so amazing how Mzee took in owen as if Owen was a tortise.

Savannah W.L.Callahan School Burrillville R.I

Anonymous said...

I think Owen & Mzee is a great book for all children who love animals. It is so amazing how Mzee took in owen as if Owen was a tortise.

Savannah W.L.Callahan School Burrillville R.I

Anonymous said...

I thoutht this story was touching to the heart. Sad but cute.I recomend this book to all animal lovers and story tellers.
Eleanor F.

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